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Using Your Business Plan To Go Global

You’ve been running your business for a little while in the UK, and it’s going well. You’re keen to take the big step of operating on an international level, but you know that this requires some serious thought and planning.

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How To Use Your Business Plan To Market Yourself and Your Startup

61% of UK workers would like to work for themselves but 17% don’t know how to market themselves properly, according to a recent study. However, this can be remedied with a little planning.

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How Can Your Business Plan Help You Face Today’s Challenges?

Small business owners face a lot of challenges, especially when they are just getting started. But what challenges are particularly prevalent in 2018, and how can your business plan help you to overcome them?


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Which Businesses Are Easiest To Start?

Some industries are more difficult to break into than others, and some businesses need an extensive amount of expertise and knowledge within the field.

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How To Cultivate A Strong Company Culture

Company culture is the beliefs, behaviour and personality of a company. It influences how employees and members of management work together and interact.

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Can Anyone Start A Business?

Being your own boss is the dream for many, but what do you have to do to make it a reality? Can anyone start a business or does it take a certain type of person or special skillset?

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How To Make Sure You Stick To Your Business Plan

As you know, here at cbm we’re all about business plans. We believe that having a strong business plan is the key to running a successful business. But writing the business plan is only half the battle – your next step is to put it into action.

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Business Goals: How Far Ahead Should You Plan?

You may be aware of the importance of having a well-written business plan – both for securing funding and giving yourself a robust roadmap to work from.

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Writing A Business Plan For A Construction Company

Whether you are a general contractor or a small renovation contractor, starting your own construction company can be a big undertaking. You’ll need a business plan to help steer you in the right direction.

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Writing A Business Plan To Make Your Restaurant Stand Out

In our previous blog post, Writing A Business Plan For Your Restaurant, we touched on some of the elements required in a restaurant business plan.

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